Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Yes, it finally happened.  We closed on our new house!  I am so super excited to get everything organized and in order in my life again.  There are sooo many workers at our house right now.  There are people working on the new wood floors, people stripping the wallpaper, painters, people working in the attic, and people installing our new iron fence around our pool.  It is so good to see progress in all that needs to be done.  I picked out most of my paint colors today and can I tell you that I stressed more about that than anything I've done in awhile.  I am really good at picking colors for cards/scrapbook pages but when it comes to home decor I STINK..... and I say that with a capital S!!!  I can say that I am learning and willing to make mistakes in the process.  I picked yellow for our Master Bedroom, blue for one of the half baths, tan for Bryan's office, and pink (of course) for my stamp room.  We decided to keep the wall paper in the formal dining room.  At first look I didn't really like it but after talking to people who have taste, I realize that it really could work for us.  I'm willing to give it a shot!!

Today also was the first day of school for the kids.  I will post pics of that later.  One thing at a time.  Hope everyone is doing well!!  


Photo Crazy! said...

I am so excited for you! Alan's sister Lara and her family just moved about an hour or two from you. She is a Hygentist and her hubby is an Orthodontist. I hope to be able to visit your both someday. Have fun with laying~out your new house. A cool!
Love, Jennie
p.s. it would be fun to meet for lunch for around Thanksgiving if our plans match up.

Emily said...

Good luck with getting everything organized. I hope that it all goes quickly and smoothly for you so life can get back to normal for you. Well, as normal as life can get with a big family. CRAZY! I understand only too well!