Thursday, August 30, 2007

Great Quote....

About a month ago I heard a great quote from a friend and it really has made me think. She stated that.....

"Your unpreparedness is not my emergency."

Of course, she was not talking about me but I just loved it. I try to think about the way I do things and see if I can do some of them differently. For example, if I have a lesson I'm supposed to teach on Sunday and I wait until the last minute on Sunday morning to prepare it does that make it okay to be stressed out with my family and have them running around the house franticly? No, it does not. If I am prepared well in advance I should be able to have a peaceful Sabbath Day with my family instead of bringing my "emergency" on them. Does this all make sense?? Another example.... your child waits until the last minute to do their report and needs to go to the library the night before it is due but you already have something planned. Do you cancel your plans for your childs unpreparedness?? Just think on that one for today.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Family Home Evening Fun!

Last night for Family Home Evening I decided to have the kids give the lesson. I gave them some paper dolls and sent them into the other room to plan and prepare. I told them that it had to be an uplifting message and actually have a meaning to it. Here is what they came up with.....

It turned into a total Hannah Montana concert!!! They said that the lesson was on fighting at a concert. HUH???? My kids have never been to a concert but a least they will know how to figure out their arguments there!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Brayden can now pull up to his little Elmo push toy and walk with it for a bit. He will be 9 months old on September 6th. Wow!!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Work, work, work!

When I was growing up my sister, Christy, and I had this album (yup, an album) that we would listen to in our room. It was a Cinderella story and it had this song that went.....

"Work, work, work,
I try not to complain.
Washing, mending, stretching, bending,
Everyday's the same.
Once, I was just little Ella.
That's how I began.
Now I am a Cinderella,
Always washing on my hands and knees
I am.................
Work, work, work...."

You get the picture. I feel like little Ella some days. The job just never gets done and there is still so much to do.

Today I had a young woman from church come over for about 3 1/2 hours while I went to Bryan's office and helped him get things in order. It is a lot of work starting up your own business. Things didn't run as smoothly for him the first two days as he would have liked. Today was a day to get things in order. I know that he will get it down. It's hard having a staff that you have never worked with before. They are not familiar yet with how he likes things run. They will become a team soon.

Tonight I was in the scrapbook mood but my printer is shot. I went to do some matching journaling and it doesn't work at all. We had an electrical storm yesterday and lost power for about 1 minute and I think that just fried it. I guess I will be shopping for a new printer on Monday.

Hope you all have a great night. I'm off to bed.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Little Brayden

Isn't that just the cutest smile you have ever seen?? He just got those 2 teeths over the past month & a half. His cheeks are so super chubby & kissable!

Sweet Kids

Here are some pictures I took during the month of August. My kids are growing up so fast!

Katelyn is such a sweet little girl. She is 9 1/2. I cannot believe she is going to be in Young Women in 2 1/2 years!!
Here's our spunky little Thomas. He is 2 1/2 and such a ball of energy!
Here's our little Diva, Madelyn. She is going to be quite the beauty.
Here's our little smiley boy, Andrew! He always tries to make everyone laugh.
And here's our little Brayden. Can you believe this was taken 2 weeks ago?? He was barely 8 months old. He definitely is going to keep us on our toes. He is so full of curiousity!

Bryan's Open House

Here are some of the pics I took at Bryan's Open House for North Pointe Endodontics. I can't believe that we are finally here!! I feel very blessed right now. Heavenly Father has led us to all the places we needed to be along the way to arrive here. It has been a great ride, even though it was the long way. I am grateful that we went through it all. It has made us a stronger, happier family.

Here I go again

I decided to start up another blog for personal use. My other one is just for my card & scrapbook creations and is more public. I need a place to write my thoughts down as they come to me.

This week Katelyn, Madelyn, and Andrew started school. I can hardly believe I have 3 children in school and just 2 at home in the afternoons. It has been very quiet around here. Andrew is in Kindergarten and only goes a half day. After I get home from taking him I put the 2 little ones down for their afternoon nap and then I have 2-3 hours to myself. I don't think I have had that in years!! Yesteray I actually took a much needed nap.

I made a decision this school year that I would serve my kids up a hot breakfast every morning. It really hasn't been that hard and I have done it all week. What I am finding is that we are all together in the morning and not so rushed about. Today I also decided that I would use this time to talk about a story from the scriptures with them. I want to leave them with those thoughts in their heads for their day. Today I read the story of Noah from the Reader. I asked them questions and actually had some participation from everyone. We read our family scriptures together in the evening and that is really just reading. I'm super excited to do this with them. It is my job to make sure that they know all these stories and it is never to late to start.

I'm going to use this blog like a journal since I am having problems with my hands right now. It is much easier to type than it is to write. About a month ago I started having problems with my right arm all the way down to my fingertips. For the past week My hands have been falling asleep when I sleep. This usually only happens when I am pregnant so I think that there might be something wrong. Maybe carpul tunnel? Am I too young to get arthritis?

I am still working on my Personal Progress for Young Women. I am only one project and 6 experiences away from getting my Youngwoman Recognition Award. I'm in the middle of the last project and working on a couple experiences right now. Last April a few of us from Young Women read the Book of Mormon in about 3 1/2 weeks. It was such a wonderful experience. A friend of mine and I are doing that again. We are trying to finish the BOM by General Conference on October 3rd. It's not as much reading a day but I am still getting the results that I love. I am understanding the scriptures more and feeling the Spirit.

For the past two weeks I have felt really overwhelmed with everything. Bryan starting up his practice, the kids starting school, my church callings, and just being a mother was really taking a toll on me. I am finally feeling back to myself today. I wonder if the nap I took yesterday helped me. I know that everything is going to work out. I love that Bryan is finally going to be doing what we have worked towards for 11 years, I'm so happy that the kids are in school, I love everything about both of my callings, and I LOVE my job as a mommy. Today is a good day.