Sunday, October 4, 2009

My Marathon!

Hi Everybody!!!

It seems like it has been forever since I've updated this blog! Life has been sooo crazy! I wanted to post some pics from the Top of Utah Marathon that me and my DH ran on September 19th. It was an experience of a lifetime. I ran it in 4 hours and 31 minutes! Not bad for a first timer!!

Here I am with my new Gypsy on the plane. I just got this the day before and was so excited to take it with me on my trip. For those of you who don't know, the G is the new Iphone of the scrapbooking market!!

Here I am ready to go in my cute new pink outfit! I found this the day before at Target. The pants were so super comfy for the run. Great choice of clothing! I did have to take off the long sleeve shirt before the run even though it was freezing!

I had this shirt specially made for this marathon so that when my blog viewers saw me they would yell out "Go Pink Stamper!" Unfortunately I didn't hear that my entire run but I knew they were all there in spirit!

I had to take a pic by the bus, right? After all, I am a scrapbooker first! We rode on this bus for around 45 minutes to drop us off at the starting place up in the canyon. I couldn't believe I was going to have to run down that long stretch!

Here I am with my cute running partner..... my husband! It was so fun to train with him for the past 3 months. We have a great new hobby that we can do together since I can't seem to drag him into my scrapbooking room and I'm not really interested in football!

I did it!!! I am an official Marathon Runner!! I cannot even believe it. It still feels like a dream. 26.2 miles is a loooooooooong distance and I ran most of it with a smile on my face. It was the coolest experience ever! We had such a blast that we are already talking about doing it again next year. We must be nuts!!

I was so very blessed to have been able to get a massage after in the massage tent. The lady that was giving it to me couldn't believe that I would fly all the way from Oklahoma just to run a marathon! The massage was very relaxing but kind of painful, too, since every muscle in my body was on fire!

So....... would I recommend doing a marathon???? You betcha, I would!! It was the best experience I have had in my life next to childbirth and joining my church. What an incredible thing to accomplish in my lifetime. If any of you would like to do it, I will support you 100%. Just shoot me an e-mail anytime you have any questions!

Blessings to you all and thanks for your support!!


Photo Crazy! said...

You guys are so awesome! How fun and wonderful to be together and reach this goal together...and get super fit and skinny along the way!

Emily said...

You ran a MARATHON! No wonder you are such a skinny minny! You look awesome and if I could look like you, I'd run one too. But I'd probably die after and I wouldn't like that very much. :)

Unknown said...

Yeah! You did awesome. Maybe I'll run it with you next year. I'm jealous you got the massage at the end. I finished and had a very cold, wet, upset toddler to take care of. If I do it again I'm not going to let the kids come along so that I can enjoy the after run stuff.

I'm so proud of you!

AmyPoll said...

I am so proud of you...I am such a baby...when I am at the finish line, I cry even watching others cross because I know what an accomplishment it is. Were you an avid runner before you started? Will you email me your training schedule?

Eliza Brock said...


Haven't talked to you in awhile, but great job on the marathon!! You go girl! Hope all is well with you. BTW, there is this gal on Oprah tomorrow that you should check out. I have been following her blog and she is pretty much awesome. she is a member of the church and was in a horrid plane accident with her DH a year ago and burned pretty bad. I heard her story last feb and went back through her blog from when she started. Awesome blog reading, great pics, awesome mom....anyway wanted to share her blog with you, it is and check her out on Oprah. Talk to you soon. Hugs. Eliza