Thursday, August 30, 2007

Great Quote....

About a month ago I heard a great quote from a friend and it really has made me think. She stated that.....

"Your unpreparedness is not my emergency."

Of course, she was not talking about me but I just loved it. I try to think about the way I do things and see if I can do some of them differently. For example, if I have a lesson I'm supposed to teach on Sunday and I wait until the last minute on Sunday morning to prepare it does that make it okay to be stressed out with my family and have them running around the house franticly? No, it does not. If I am prepared well in advance I should be able to have a peaceful Sabbath Day with my family instead of bringing my "emergency" on them. Does this all make sense?? Another example.... your child waits until the last minute to do their report and needs to go to the library the night before it is due but you already have something planned. Do you cancel your plans for your childs unpreparedness?? Just think on that one for today.


Red Tent Artist said...

I reset my password, yipeee! Thanks for sharing with me...your blog, your joys, your stress, your children, my stress, my joys...

I'm so fortunate to call you my friend.

Have a fun weekend.

Wendi said...

That is an awesome quote. I love it!