Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone!! Here we are, full of Halloween Spirit and just plain craziness!!

Brayden as Superman!

Andrew as a Ninja!

Katelyn as Dorothy

Thomas as Captain America!

Madelyn and her best friend, Ashley, both got matching cat outfits. Very cute!

I was like a total 80's girl!! I loved it and lived it up!!!! Only 1 day a year, right?? I vote for an 80's day!!

Not that I made him dress up or anything but I know Bryan enjoyed playing an 80's rocker and my like total rad boyfriend!!

Aren't we like a totally tubular couple?? He rocks!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Orr Family Farm

Every year we have a tradition of going to the Orr Family Farm. We love it!! Here are some of this year's pics....

Aren't we cute??

Even though Katelyn is growing up, she still enjoys the carousel.

Madie is such a doll!

Words cannot describe what a sweetie pie our Brayden is.


Our boys!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Favorite Time of Year

Since most of you know that I lost some very important pictures this weekend, I am going to try harder to make sure I back them up, & also blog more of them.

On Monday nights our family has what we call Family Home Evening. It is a program designed by our church to help families designate one night a week to just family time. We usually have a lesson, sing songs, play games, and have a special treat. Now most of you know that trying to make this work with 5 little children cannot be that much fun. Well, most of the time you are right. There is a lot of noise and chaos BUT we are happy that we are able to do this. Last night was an exception and there was much peace, love and joy at our Family Home Evening.

We started out with a family prayer & by singing a favorite song (which was chosen by one of the children). We sang "I Like Bananas, Coconuts, & Grapes". Following the song our 9 year old gave the lesson. She spent 2 1/2 hours on my Cricut Sunday night preparing for this. I was amazed at how AWESOME she was with my bug! She could show us all a few tricks! Her lesson was on getting along together in the house. She talked about how we should say kind words, not fight (which they all are working on), serve each other, and just be nice. Here are some pics of her teaching her lesson.....

Do you like how she used Hannah Montana in it??!!

After the lesson we read scriptures, said the closing prayer, and then got ready for the treats! Don't they look yummy???

Did I already mention that this is my favorite time of year???

2 year olds eating caramel covered apples are just scrumptious!!

After we ate the yummy treat (okay, I had 2!), we carved a pumpkin! This is so early for us. Usually we are doing it as an afterthought ON Halloween! I even toasted the pumpkin seeds after. Yes, it was a great night!

Here are my happy children! They love to make a mess and not get in trouble!!

I hope you all are having a great week and making fun traditions for your families! I know that it is something that they will remember and cherish for the rest of their lives.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

My Marathon!

Hi Everybody!!!

It seems like it has been forever since I've updated this blog! Life has been sooo crazy! I wanted to post some pics from the Top of Utah Marathon that me and my DH ran on September 19th. It was an experience of a lifetime. I ran it in 4 hours and 31 minutes! Not bad for a first timer!!

Here I am with my new Gypsy on the plane. I just got this the day before and was so excited to take it with me on my trip. For those of you who don't know, the G is the new Iphone of the scrapbooking market!!

Here I am ready to go in my cute new pink outfit! I found this the day before at Target. The pants were so super comfy for the run. Great choice of clothing! I did have to take off the long sleeve shirt before the run even though it was freezing!

I had this shirt specially made for this marathon so that when my blog viewers saw me they would yell out "Go Pink Stamper!" Unfortunately I didn't hear that my entire run but I knew they were all there in spirit!

I had to take a pic by the bus, right? After all, I am a scrapbooker first! We rode on this bus for around 45 minutes to drop us off at the starting place up in the canyon. I couldn't believe I was going to have to run down that long stretch!

Here I am with my cute running partner..... my husband! It was so fun to train with him for the past 3 months. We have a great new hobby that we can do together since I can't seem to drag him into my scrapbooking room and I'm not really interested in football!

I did it!!! I am an official Marathon Runner!! I cannot even believe it. It still feels like a dream. 26.2 miles is a loooooooooong distance and I ran most of it with a smile on my face. It was the coolest experience ever! We had such a blast that we are already talking about doing it again next year. We must be nuts!!

I was so very blessed to have been able to get a massage after in the massage tent. The lady that was giving it to me couldn't believe that I would fly all the way from Oklahoma just to run a marathon! The massage was very relaxing but kind of painful, too, since every muscle in my body was on fire!

So....... would I recommend doing a marathon???? You betcha, I would!! It was the best experience I have had in my life next to childbirth and joining my church. What an incredible thing to accomplish in my lifetime. If any of you would like to do it, I will support you 100%. Just shoot me an e-mail anytime you have any questions!

Blessings to you all and thanks for your support!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Sherie & Quincy

Hiking the Y

Hiking the "Y" was so much fun and such a challenge!! I was 1 mile up and 1 mile back down but it seemed like it was much more than that. The steep incline was nothing compared to coming down. Wow! What an experience!!!

Here is a pic of Thomas and his cousin Nicholas. Aren't they cuties??
Here we are at the base of the mountain getting ready to go!

Some of the Cardon brothers.  (Bryan, Jeff, Jason, George, & David)

Natalie, Madie, and Claire are great cousin buds!

Daddy and Brayden.

Madie and Katelyn show us what they got!!

Beautiful Katelyn.

Andrew and Thomas are such cool dudes!

Sunny hiked the entire mountain even though she was due with her baby only 4 days later!!  She even beat most of us down the mountain!!

Andrew overlooking the valley.


Sweet Madelyn!

Family Picture

I love this picture we took at Bryan's parent's house before we went hiking. Look at little Brayden and how he is sticking out his tongue! What a cutie!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Piano Time

Outside at Grandma Cardons

The children loved being able to pick cherries from one of grandma's many fruit trees.

Brayden and Thomas had a blast playing outdoors, too.

Watch out for those cherries, Katelyn.  They are sour!!

Raspberry picking with Grandma Cardon